Having Trouble Logging In?
Make Sure That Your Computer Accepts Session Cookies.
Find your browser in the list below to fix this problem.
Still having trouble? Click Here
Newer Web Browsers:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 (or higher) AOL 6 (or higher)
- From the "Tools" menu, select "Internet Options".
- Click the Privacy settings Tab.
- Set the slider to low.
- Click OK.
Netscape Navigator 6.2 or later for Windows
- From the "Edit" menu, select "Preferences".
- Select the triangle next to "Privacy & Security".
- Select "Cookies".
- Select "Enable all cookies" or one of the other two enable options to accept cookies. Do not select "Disable cookies" because this will disable session cookies.
- You can configure Navigator to allow session cookies but disable persistent cookies if you select "Enable cookies based on privacy settings" and then select "View". You can then choose the "custom" privacy level, and select "Session" from each of the drop-down menus below.
- Select "OK".
Firefox 1.0 for Windows
- From the "Tools" menu, select "Options".
- Click the "Privacy" icon in the "Options" menu.
- Click "Cookies" to expand the section.
- To enable cookies, click the "Allow sites to set cookies" box.
Apple Safari 1.0 or later for MacOS
- From the "Safari" menu, select "Preferences".
- Select the "Security" icon in the toolbar.
- Select "Always" to accept all cookies or "Only from sites you navigate to".
- Close the Preferences window.
Firefox 1.0 for MacOS
- From the "Firefox" menu, select "Preferences".
- Click the "Privacy" icon in the "Options" menu.
- Click "Cookies" to expand the section.
- To enable cookies, click the "Allow sites to set cookies" box.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.1 or later for MacOS
- From the "Internet Explorer" menu, select "Preferences".
- Select "Cookies" from the list.
- Ensure "Never Ask" is selected from "When receiving cookies" for the best user experience. Alternatively, you can select "Ask for each site" but you must accept cookies when prompted.
- Select "OK".
Older Web Browsers:
Explorer v5.5 (and earlier)
Microsoft Windows:
- From the "Tools" menu, select "Internet Options".
- Click on the Security settings Tab.
- Make sure that the slider is set for medium.
- If it is set on custom you can click the "Default Settings" button to reset these to the "medium" setting.
- Click OK.
- From the "Edit" menu, select "Preferences".
- Double click on the "receiving files" item in the left window..
- Single click on the sub-item named cookies.
- In the right window, selct the drop down menu item named "never ask" or "ask for each site" (in which case you will have to accept the enom cookie when prompted).
- Click OK.
Netscape (earlier versions)
- From the "Edit" menu, select "Preferences".
- Click on "advanced" in the left window (Netscape6: double-click) (Netscape 6.1: double click "Privacy and Security" option).
- Netscape6: click on the sub-menu item named "cookies".
- Select the "accept all cookies option" in the right window.
- Click OK.